Our Story
It all started with cupcakes at a birthday party.
Two South Shore moms, one managing food allergies and the other managing Celiac Disease, quickly realized how similar some of their challenges were. They instantly became a support to one another, and knew there were others in the community who could benefit from local support. They imagined a place to share experiences, ask questions and meet people living with similar daily management challenges and successes.
Both moms lived in Scituate, MA and launched "Scituate Allergy Families Educating (SAFE)" in Jan 2017.
By May of 2018 it was clear we were supporting families beyond Scituate, so the decision was made to change the name to "South Shore Allergy Families Educating". Still SAFE.
In November 2018 SAFE became a Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) recognized support group. We were added to their searchable database of support groups around the country, making it easier for local families to find SAFE, and therefore, to find support. It also allowed us to submit annual proposals for limited funding, which helps support guest speakers and community engagement programming. Our Medical Advisor is Dr. Michael Pistiner.
In 2019 we hosted a large educational event featuring Dr. Pistiner, thanks to our first Community Outreach Award from FARE. We introduced a new co-leader to SAFE, and some of the kids created an advisory group.
In early 2020 we launched SAFE Kids!, a kid-centered branch of SAFE with kid organized hangouts and outings, and we launched our speaker series for the year. Plans were impacted in March, with the sudden spread of COVID-19 and the broad quarantine measures that followed. We moved to a virtual format which allowed us to remain connected. We had our first virtual Trivia Week contest and Halloween Costume contest, thanks to a Community Outreach Award from FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education).
Since 2020 we have leaned on the power of Zoom to keep our group active. We continue to host virtual support group meetings, as well as a limited number of in-person events. Our community now extends beyond the South Shore.
Since the first meeting in 2017, SAFE has held consistent meetings, used social media and email communication to share info and resources, and organized events for caregivers, children, and the public. We look forward to supporting and connecting with you.
Have an idea? Let us know.
Make sure you're on our email distribution list.
Feel free to reach out: southshoreallergyfamilies@gmail.com